After discovering that I had a large mass on my left ovary, it was determined that I must get surgery right away in order to prevent complications from the mass. My regular check-up appointment was on a Monday and I had surgery the same week on Thursday. My follow-up appointment was scheduled two weeks later. I spent the next couple of days resting and so thankful to have my boyfriend Danny by my side as I was not able to do a lot of moving. Overwhelmed from the surgery, I was looking forward to the weeks flying by so I could once again be back to my normal self and workout without any complications.
I got a call on the Monday of the week I had my follow-up appointment. My appointment wasn’t until Friday though. They said they wanted me to come in early because the doctor had changed her weekend plans. I thought it sounded kind of funny. So there I go, on my way to the office. Little did I know, that was the day my entire life would change. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Dr. Wilson saying softly as I sat down in her office, “I’m sorry kiddo, but you have to get chemotherapy”.
What just happened? Is this real life? I am 25 years old, as healthy as can be, and I have cancer. The next couple of weeks, in the midst of struggling with the insurance company, I found out I had to have another surgery for a port, that I would definitely lose my hair and that my prognosis was not so good. Wow, talk about a lot to take in. This is when I learned how strong I really was. The pain of the chemo, losing my hair, the struggle with not being able to do normal activities as I once did-that was not my personal battle. My battle, my journey, was about being confident that I will defeat this disease.
How powerful the prognosis truly affects you even when you have all the other obstacles in the way. Everything else seemed so unimportant. I am literally fighting for my life. Thankfully, God picked me up and got me through day by day. He brought a huge support system into my life and relationships that will be everlasting. God thank you for giving me strength, bringing peace to my mind and giving me courage even on days when I just want to break down and cry. This journey has brought me closer to God, and for that I am very thankful. I know the future holds unanswered questions, but with the love and support that surrounds me, I can only come out on top.
Thank you Turning Heads for making me feel extremely special and loved. Your uplifting attitudes and compassionate hearts are exceptionally refreshing and captivating. You are bringing a sense of hope and confidence in people’s individual battles, giving them peace of mind that they are not alone and that they should be proud of who they are and what they have overcome. Cancer is a nasty, tough fight and it is definitely not easy, but being positive and finding peace within your heart will help you defeat any struggle within your mind.
I am going through the last 3 chemos for Uterine cancer, and just read your story.
God bless, and hope that you are doing really really really well now.