Have you ever asked yourself, “if I was given a cancer diagnoses how would I react, what would I do, how would life change or would it”? I had been living my life, or so I thought, healthy by eating properly, working out, managing stress and practicing self-love. Thank God it was an early diagnosis but still, it got me. I was between annual mammograms when my body gave a disturbing sign that something was not right. After a series of investigative tests, the diagnosis came back as Stage I Breast Cancer. No time to question how or why, big decisions had to be made, and besides, why not me.
So began the next chapter in my life, an incredible journey and a time to reflect and reboot. There is a message for me or perhaps,including for those around me; stay present. Staying present allowed me to tune into the connection between mind, body & soul. Indeed, many were touched along the way and a few went on the journey with me. My family beautifully understood & supported me. My Son & Fiancé kept me grounded through the decision-making process, surgery, recovery, treatment and beyond. Now from the other side, so to speak, I can feel the changes inside. I now know the answer and reaction to the questions I had hoped never to face.
Learning about the Turning Heads Project just as I embraced my baldness was the absolute best. They professionally captured a rare moment along my journey in both appearance and state of being for which I am forever grateful. The time spent playing dress-up and making me beautiful for the camera was a pure joy. Thank you Turning Heads, Stacy, Olga and Arlene and my Mom for joining me on this special day.
Some Fashions by Will Stiles, Palm Springs
Photography by Stacy Jacob Photography, Makeup by Olga Morales, Styling by Arlene Young
Thanks Stacy, Olga, and Arlene for this wonderful shared experience!